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Written By B.T.

My mission is to inform people of how to protect themselves and their families from man-made EMFs.

The Hard Truth is You and Your Loved Ones May Be Surrounded by Man-made EMF Radiation

Did you know that it’s very likely that you and your family are constantly surrounded by invisible waves of energy?

No? Well, you’re not alone.

Electro-magnetic fields (EMFs) are all around us, emitted by electronic devices, power lines, and communication technology. While these fields are invisible, there’s a growing library of studies showing that these fields can have a serious impact on our health and well-being.

If you’re concerned about the harmful effects of EMFs, there are many easy solutions of how to lower the EMF exposure of you and your family. One especially easy solution is to invest in an RF (radio frequency) blocking bed canopy.

In the following paragraphs, we’ll explore the benefits of an RF blocking bed canopy, the types of EMFs it protects against, and how to test to ensure your bed canopy is installed correctly and protecting against the EMFs it is supposed to.

What are EMFs?

EMFs are man-made, electromagnetic waves or fields of radiation that are primarily created by electronic devices, power lines, and current communication technology. These fields are thought to have a variety of effects on the body, from the disruption of sleep patterns to other more serious long-term health problems. You can read some of the EMF health studies here.

While the effects of EMFs vary depending on the type and duration of exposure, there is growing concern about the long-term health effects of these fields.

The Types of Man-Made EMFs

There are four main types of man-made EMFs that are commonly found in homes: Magnetic, Electric, Radio Frequency and Dirty Electricity. Click on the links to learn more about each type of EMF.

If installed correctly, EMF blocking canopies do a fantastic job blocking both RF and electric fields. RF fields are most commonly created by cell towers and communication technology, while AC electric fields are created by electrical wiring.

Why Should You Purchase an RF Blocking Bed Canopy?

If you’re concerned about the harmful effects of these EMFs, investing in an EMF blocking bed canopy is a smart move. These canopies are designed to block the harmful RF fields emitted by cell towers and other communication technology, as well as the AC electric fields emitted by electrical wiring.

Many users of these bed canopies report reduced stress and anxiety and improved sleep quality. View some of the reviews.

You and your family spend 1/3 of your lives in bed. Isn’t it worth the investment to make your bedrooms safe and healthy sleeping environments?

After You Purchase Your Bed Canopy: Ensure It’s Installed Correctly

After you purchase and install your bed canopy, you need to ensure that it’s been done correctly. There are a couple of different ways to do this. You can either hire a professional EMF consultant to measure the EMF levels for you or to do DIY EMF testing with your own EMF meter.

Click the links above to learn more about both.

Alright, So What Are You Waiting For?

EMFs are a growing concern in our modern world, and they can have a serious impact on our health and well-being.

If you’re concerned about the harmful effects of these fields, investing in an RF blocking bed canopy is the smart move.

As we mentioned above, you and your family spend a third of your lives in bed. This should be a restorative, blissful time, unaffected by these man-made fields of radiation.

By purchasing an EMF blocking bed canopy you can right this wrong and give your family the protection it deserves.